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What are the pros and cons of a 4-day work week which is being talked about in some countries?


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Ask the people who have conducted the numerous surveys around the world that find workers are more productive and happy with a 4-day workweek.

If and when they become standard, you can bet that Japan will be last country to get onboard. Or it could be the sole holdout, as we saw with the global work-from-home boom during covid. Gotta keep those commuter trains packed tight!

-6 ( +13 / -19 )

I only see pros. Honestly i dont even get enough rest during weekends theres always so much housework plus theres a disabled family member, if only i had three days off i would certainly had one normal day for rest.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Less money for nearby shops, café s,JR,subways and taxi companies.

Though perhaps more money for local shops and a more energised and family-focussed workforce.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

All pros and no cons IMO. A 3-day weekend can increase the chances of more rest and time devoted to hobbies, family, naps etc. so when one returns to work on Monday, they're more refreshed and recharged, and thus more likely to be productive, which benefits the business. Win-win for all.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Pros: increase in productivity and efficiency; more time to spend with family, hobbies, neighbors, friends; more energized workers.

Cons: some workers will have to find a hobby, friends, talk to their family & neighbors; more couch potatoes leading to more obesity; middle management won’t know what to do.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

It should be a 4-day week but 4 days off each week. The promise of automation back in the 70s was that we'd all work much, much less but still be able to live well. Of course, few of the benefits of extra productivity went to the workers and was instead creamed off by those at the top. Capitalism rewards capitalists disproportionately. Until that is understood we will just end up feeling grateful for the small mercies we are sometimes shown like this. In reality, it is just another trick to increase productivity now it's discovered in many jobs that can't yet be automated that burnout is affecting it.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Pro - commute time per week is less.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I think more companies should try to give more work week options. If people want to work more for more pay than allow a longer work week. If people want a shorter work week with less pay then have that option as well. But have workers commit to a work week for like a year contract at time. Try some beta or pilot programs to see if they work.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

With a three-day weekend, people will have more time to recharge their batteries, they will rest more, they will be less tired, they will be more happy, productive and in a good mood…; if people are in a good mood, the world is a better place…; there are no disadvantages in that…; it’s about time…

3 ( +4 / -1 )

from: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/03/four-day-work-week-uk-trial/

Workers at more than 60 UK companies trialed a four day work week between June and December 2022.

• More than 90% of participating businesses have opted to continue with the four day week, with 18 adopting it permanently.

• Similar experiments have taken place elsewhere (Belgium, New Zealand, Iceland) with positive results.

• Supporters say the four day work week boosts productivity, but critics say it is impractical in certain sectors.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It's amazing but it really wouldn't work in a working culture like Japan, where the best word to describe the working environment is "inefficiency."

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

On average it will be a zero advantage game. While one will have more potential leisure time , you also have to work more in less time , so that your salary and of course the shareholders’ profits will be at least the same as before. But then you have still the need for more relaxation due to the intensified workload and you can spend less during your more leisure time as your same budget has now to cover three days instead of two. In addition, the constant change between harder work days and longer free time will have probably some negative consequences for your health on average. It might be good for the few who work less but receive more than before, something like four days work , but paid as if it were six days. In those rare cases, you can expect a better life quality plus the possibility to afford an adequate recreation to stand the more intense workload. But it’s an illusion only and no current economy can stand such a pattern of four days, but six paid.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

35 to 36 hours over 7 days, numbers wise would at present not be conducive to our customers. 

My experience, business can introduce flex time over 39 hours dependent on their business model and productivity.

Add in the possibility of the working from home environment.

This premise, a four-day week, would require a equal gain in productivity.   

Our business partners represent a global customer base.

Work life balance is essential in Japan, especially when tackling the threat of depopulation.

Small businesses need more flexibility. It is the trade off that must be workable.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Pros...... All trials in Europe have led to happier and more productive workers.

Cons... We are in Japan. Japan will be the last country to introduce a 4 day week. When I came to Japan nearly 49 years ago, Saturday was a regular work day for many.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Cons... We are in Japan. Japan will be the last country to introduce a 4 day week. When I came to Japan nearly 49 years ago, Saturday was a regular work day for many.

You must be one old cake. In the UK Saturday was a regular work day for many.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I've worked a 40 hour week over 4 days for 17 years and it has been a great advantage and also healthier. I've been able to book dental and medical appointments when I've been off along with deliveries and gas boiler maintenance. As my wife still works 5 days a week it has also given me the benefit of some me time!

There are cons though, mostly down to training commitment's as half the workforce has Monday's and the rest of us Friday's so sometimes you have to swap your days off, but it's rare you have to do this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'm now down to a 7 hour work week and trying hard to cut down further.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I can't see any benefit - for the worker or the business. I work a seven day week because I love doing what I do. I think the issue is not how many days a week a person works, but whether they are doing the work they love doing or whether they are watching the clock slowly drag its way to five o'clock.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

In the UK Saturday was a regular work day for many.

In the U.K. 49 years ago, for us and most of the people around us, Saturday was shopping, cleaning and maybe a visit to the cinema or a pub in the evening. It was rare to work on Saturdays.

That was one of the things I was surprised at when I came to Japan about the same time as Mr Kipling. Everybody worked on Saturdays. Saturday was a normal school day for kids.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

a neighboring company began practicing this during the pandemic and talking to a friend there, here's what I got:

pros: its always a long weekend and there's more time to rest and live, less overtime since the office will try to squeeze as much of the work in those 10 hours, less likely for coworkers to contact you on work-related concerns, you get to avoid the morning rush since you come earlier and leave later,

cons: hardly any time to relax or do anything else during the condensed workweek, if there will be events or meetings on the off day it will automatically be overtime, you will not benefit if a holiday lands on the off day

summing it up, I agree with the above comments saying that the cons are almost negligible.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

How about a 4-day week without an increase in hours? 32-hour week.

Employees at one clothing company go home every day at 3 pm.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

work 4 days get paid same money like for 5 days work-not bad idea.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

One of the pros is that employees will be more relaxed enjoying their time on each day off. According to some research, no differences in productivity can be found between workers who took two days off and those who took three. The cons, on the other hand, will be an increase in energy consumption.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

That the pay will be adjusted to a 4 day paid week. Not like company will keep the same salary unless the hours worked are the same?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If four days is better, just think how much better three days would be?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Are we talking about the rest of the world or in Japan?

I'll assume, just in Japan.

Pro: Work 4 days instead of 6 per week.

Con: But you have to work 15 hour days instead of 12.

Pro: Working less days, but having the same amount of work hours per week.

Con: However, people will somehow get paid less.

Pro: Having more time at home with family and friends.

Con: Yet, you would still need to make up that third day at the office by going to even more meetings after quitting time and taking home work with you.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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