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What do you think of all the coffee drinks sold in cafes, convenience stores and vending machines in Japan?


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They taste like plastic.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

What strange question is this?? I like coffee and coffee related drinks, so yeah... I like them??

6 ( +6 / -0 )

relatively good...personal opinion and taste:

convenience store: 7 eleven, lawson and family mart 's latte or kilimanjoro is quite good...

cafe: tully's and costa is nice...komeda, starbucks is okay...

vending machines : the canned or bottled one tastes weird, but freshly brewed is decent...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The brewed coffee at convenience stores is passable. This time of year, I have it in the local park in the mornings.

On workdays, I brew a pint at home each morning. Half goes in my breakfast mug, the other half in my work thermos. I only go to cafes when necessary.

Kissaten coffee is massively overrated, and no thanks to all that cigarette smoke.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well, how to say it…it’s like with many other product groups sold here. Variety is endless and quality is high, but it’s extremely difficult to find any root, base or standard product, so to say. You’ll surely have quite some difficulties, to find or buy just a very normal or standard good blend coffee, a ‘normal’ baked bread without anything else in it, pure potato chips , just cheese, milk chocolate and so on. You’ll find thousands of different tastes, added ingredients , unlimited variations, and that’s surely showing mastership and creativity and maybe amazing for most people, but you’ll almost never or only with big difficulties find the product just as it is or it is meant to be by its name.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Just a personal preference thing but I started drinking black ever since my wife introduced me to it and I must say the charcoal like flavored coffee sold at many kissatens here are my preferred taste when drinking black.

Conbini coffees aren't too shabby and I appreciate the newer machines having the "stronger" feature. Can't really complain since the price is very affordable compared to umm... Starbucks.

If I feel I need a lighter body or I want to enjoy the different aromas, I go to Tully's and sometimes Starbucks.

If I want espresso, Segafredo or Illy, but honestly I'm still trying to find a really good place that can pull amazing espresso.

Ueshima Coffee has a very thick and creamy latte that I actually like, but I can see why many people would say differently.

Komeda has an interesting sweet chocolatey iced coffee that doesn't need milk or sweetener at all.

Doutour actually surprised me with a pretty good iced coffee that packed a pretty good punch.

Blue Bottle, Maruyama Coffee, Key's coffee have a distinct sour aftertaste that I personally do not like.

UCC has some surprisingly good coffee if you find the right place.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

the best coffees in my opinion are those from the hole in wall kissaten shops where the focus is just plain old coffee. The next best thing would be those chain coffee stores like starbucks, they taste hardly like coffee but the caffeine is still there. The last would be those canned coffee drinks, they just taste as they look - fast and convenient. In terms of caffeine, they get the job done.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Many konbini have good coffee.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

i make coffee at home.

always best.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Segafredo or an old fashioned drip from a Kissaten, Outside my kitchen no one else getting my coffee money.. I tried a canned coffee., once in 1992 and again about 15 years ago, just to make sure it really was garbage.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I always thought Japan has the finest coffee shops especially after watching a drama about barista guy where he elaborates on different coffee types and roasts etc etc but is that really so? Maybe if a shop happen to get open that sells European coffee, bread, cakes, sweets its destined to become very popular??)))

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Coffee quality is improving thanks to many authentic cafes and convenient stores. I get disappointed when the food and service is great in the restaurant or a hotel, but the cup of coffee quality is bad. Many room for further improvements!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Coffee in cans and plastic bottles always tastes awful - just some weird taste going on in there.

The Ginza branch of Uniclo do very nice drip coffee at a bargain price. The vending machine at motorway service stations - “grind coffee on a mill” or something, shows a video of your coffee being made, is pretty good. Segafredo for espresso. Coffee Valley in Ikebukuro is also pretty tasty.

I usually buy some Yirgacheffe beans and make my own.

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I like to try different drinks. Once there was a coffee/cocacola mixed drink that I tried. Nothing special. I like the curry and tomato soup flavored drinks. The corn soup is ok, but I can never get the corn stuck to the bottom on the can. I miss espresso tea. They had that for a while, then they all disappeared.

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What do you think of all the coffee drinks sold in cafes, convenience stores and vending machines in Japan?

I think there's a lot of coffee for sale in Japan.

Many options are a good thing.

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