

Why are the French so angry over retiring 2 years later?


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The change in pensions upset people but you can quickly provide hush money through trade and economics. Macron seems to be enlisting the help of China. China can help but it’ll take time. France isn’t occupied like Germany is so understandably there’s more room to work

JT is not reporting about the deepening dialogue this past trip with Xi and cooperation between the Chinese and French navies in the Pacific Ocean. France has two strategically located overseas territories in this theatre - French Polynesia, and New Caledonia. These islands are located right on the so-called “Third Island Chain” to the northeast of Australia. Would like a comment from (Desert Tortoise here.)

Another point from the joint statement from Macron’s visit is where France and China promise to provide fair and non-discriminatory environments for each others' businesses. This is in stark contrast to the US, which stole Alstom from France, placed tariffs on French steel and aluminum, and exported its own inflation to France with the Inflation Reduction Act; and is trying to steal/ban TikTok, just for the crime of being Chinese. But they want Tik Tok. The U.S. action is akin to saying, hand over the money in the cash register or I’ll shoot. It is asking Bytedance to sell its shares or be banned.

The joint statement also states China will be gradually switching to France for all things aviation and dropping a previous supplying nation now with tensions rising. China will be buying some 160 planes from French companies, while France will be setting up new production lines in China, as well as buying more Chinese ships. 

Macron at minimum is on par with the Putin comparing the two meeting between China and Russia and France if not one or two under. If you read the statements, you’ll notice not much was mentioned about Ukraine except that lip service but for the US.

Putin and Macron are saying the Ukraine war is not the only thing going on in the world. France recently completed its first LNG trade with China using the yuan instead of the dollar. The world is moving on.

China trades and the U.S. fades. Unsurprisingly, not one of Africa’s 54 countries has joined US sanctions against Russia. Macron is taking action while the rest of you are still explaining how “Putin started this.”

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

quote: Because people really hate Macron.

Yeah, we really hate our government too. We should get together and form some sort of Europe-wide union.

Although Japanese people seem to work into their 70s, 80s and probably 90s, you won't get a huge amount of productivity out of disgruntled 63 and 64 year French people. Plus retiring at pension age is becoming rare in Europe. In the UK people retire early if they can afford to, and carry on working after retirement age if they can't. Maybe the French all retire at retirement age. Perhaps a French reader can advise us.

I have complete faith in French workers being able to skive out of at least two years worth of their working lives, if forced to extend them, so there will be no productivity benefit at all. I guess Macron just wants to switch two years of state pension payments into wages, paid by employers, to folk who do decreasing amounts of work, and make his spreadsheet look better.

Macron only got elected because the alternative was even more fascist than him. His gambit was daft. There are plenty of better ways to tweak the numbers, slowly and quietly, if you need to. He can starve strikers back to work, but at the next election, they may elect anyone other than someone from his party, to get their own back.

Politicians believe that they can ride out unpopularity, but as the Tories in the UK are going to find out, when we really hate our politicians, with absolute passion, when we get a chance to vote, we will get our own back.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

How are you not going to be angry about it?

This "solution" of Macron to the pension system is not only an extension of 2 years, if you dig you will see its deeper.

And this article is missing a lot of important stuff.

An extension of 2 years for retirement is a loss to all employees/citizens of a country.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

JosuToday  10:53 am JST

How are you not going to be angry about it?

This "solution" of Macron to the pension system is not only an extension of 2 years, if you dig you will see its deeper.

And this article is missing a lot of important stuff.

An extension of 2 years for retirement is a loss to all employees/citizens of a country.

Quite simple, my Dear Watson. If the government gets by with raising the bar by two years, they'll try to raise retirement age by five. Then ten. All laborers of all kinds have put into a system that is supposed to support them when they are too old (or disabled) to work. You put your tax money and efforts into something, you get something back.

There has to be a standard somewhere. I've heard this rumor all my life, 'Oh there will be no Social Security when it's time for your generation to get it!'.

I'm now 57 and on a medical disability. Let me say this. There has been a lot of unrest in my country lately caused by a supercriminal and others like him who never worked a day in their lives and we will not tolerate any shenanigans when it comes to Social Security. The French people shouldn't either. Democracy is for/by/of the people.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Simple, those who get angry have either political interest (unions, leaders of whatever parties...) or are simply ignorant of the law and brainwashed.

The 2 years more to work is for simple maths reasons : life expectancy growing for some, and pyramid of age. It will apply only tot hose between 52 and 57. No impact for other age brackets since law (voted some time ago) already asks you to work at least 43 years for all others to get full pension.

And new law reduces the retirement age forthose who started to work before twenty.

Clear ?

All is political and each year you have strikes. It never changes. Only the length, time of year and type of equipement targeted changes. This year is focused on energy and waste for a change...

French in its majority understand and accept that law. Issue is small compare to absence of wage raise for instance.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I thought they should be happy. People could always quit their job at any age, but sometimes they can’t work longer because of reaching the retirement age. So, increasing the retirement age means more flexibility, isn’t it?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

In my opinion, the French have a right to be upset. This decision was not arrived at democratically, but unilaterally. It is being imposed upon the populace without their consent, and without their consultation.

Liberty, equality, fraternity?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I'm now 57 and on a medical disability. Let me say this. There has been a lot of unrest in my country lately caused by a supercriminal and others like him who never worked a day in their lives

Wrong, that individual did nothing but worked all of his life, not even sure when he rested to being quite Frank, but the French wants these pension entitlement quirks, but when you do the math the money is really not there, if France continues down this road it’s going to be another Greece or Cypress, that’s to medical advancements people are living longer and longer so it would make sense for people to put in more time to keep the system from collapsing, the money flow will stop at this rate and then what? Countries like Germany would have to come in and bail them out? That would be horrifying and would put that country in a financial quagmire.

and we will not tolerate any shenanigans when it comes to Social Security. The French people shouldn't either.

And if there’s no money which is the growing case for both countries then what?

Democracy is for/by/of the people

Democracy doesn’t mean you can force the government to give you something it doesn’t have. The less people work and put money into the system, the less money there will be to go around and that reality is starting to hit the French, they demand, but don’t want to work for it. What could possibly go wrong.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I have complete faith in French workers being able to skive out of at least two years worth of their working lives, 

Ha ha yes! They generally skive most of their working lives, so another two years should be a cakewalk.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Pensions are not "entitlements". They are schemes people pay into over 40 years of their working lives. It needs to find another way to finance pensions. Norway is the best example of using its natural resources for the benefit of all citizens.

France could nationalise the nuclear power industry and use the profits for pensions.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

France could nationalise the nuclear power industry and use the profits for pensions.

They could, but that doesn’t look like it will happen.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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