
quote of the day

With ammonia, we can use the plants we have rather than building entirely new ones.


Katsuya Tanigawa, general manager at Jera’s Hekinan site, the nation’s largest coal-fired power plant, in Aichi Prefecture. The company wants to demonstrate that it can blend ammonia — which does not emit carbon dioxide when burned — with coal in its boilers, which is prompting a debate over whether it is better to find cleaner ways of using coal, or to scrap it as soon as possible in favor of renewable energy.

© The New York Times

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The coal is still in there so isn't that still releasing a ton of CO2?

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TaiwanIsNotChinaToday 07:27 am JST

The coal is still in there so isn't that still releasing a ton of CO2?

I imagine they'll use carbon capture for the emissions:


Over time, the plan is to increase the amount of ammonia (eventually to 100%), and gradually reduce the amount of coal.


From everything I've read, ammonia (along with hydrogen) seems an area well worth pursuing.

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