
Woman arrested after beating husband with wooden coat hanger


Police in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, said Sunday they have arrested a 25-year-old woman on suspicion of assaulting her husband by beating him with a wooden coat hanger.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 5:20 p.m. Saturday, Hokkaido Broadcasting Corp reported. The husband, who is in his 20s, managed to call 110 while being beaten but police could not make out what he was saying. They traced the call to the couple’s home.

The woman told police she and her husband had been arguing when she lost her temper and started hitting him repeatedly with a coat hanger.

The man suffered minor injuries to his head, police said, adding they are questioning the couple on what the argument was about.

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If I was that man, I would not hang around.

20 ( +27 / -7 )

You wooden hang around?

20 ( +29 / -9 )

The man suffered minor injuries to his head, police said,.....

he suffered minor injuries which begs the question, why is this a national news story? Do you get the feeling stories like this are published in the "Crime" section or any section for that matter to give us a feeling of safety and harmony? Because if this is the worst national incident to happen on Saturday then I'm sleeping like a baby tonight without one eye open!

8 ( +13 / -5 )

If I was that man, I would not hang around.

You wooden hang around?

She just wanted him to hang on, and then thought,... hang the consequences !

Brilliant Guys!! LOL!

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

If this news story were about a woman being beaten with wooden coat hanger by a man would we be making all these jokes?

Ahhh, I'm just jealous because all the good hanger puns already got used. Lol.

18 ( +24 / -6 )

With all the hang ups and cool hangout spots, she chose to hang on to a hanger? To the guy, just hang in there! With that being said, You gotta respect the guy for not lashing out as she did in his self defence! He called the fuzz and they heard the abuse going on! Now I don't care what the argument was about, this shouold never be the outcome! Talk a walk, go for a drive, talk with someone, play some video games, calm your mind and take another approach at the problem. It always works perfectly for me.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Wonder what the hubby did to get hit with a wooden hanger instead of a plastic one.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Dave Fair

Today 08:09 am JST

So you always sleep with one eye open? Your paranoia is sad. Unless of course you actually live in the States. At least 2 more mass shootings in the news there today.

Comparatively speaking, I feel pretty darn safe living in Japan.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

At first glance, I thought the headline says "Woman arrested after eating husband..." and I immediately clicked it!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Been on the receiving end of whiffle bat by the ex wife. Women in Japan have a lot of pent up anger and take it out on their husbands. Nobody talks about it because husbands will rarely call the police.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Been on the receiving end of whiffle bat by the ex wife

my partner almost broke my finger because I forgot to bring her keitai in the car. Still in pain.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Hubby may have to travel to Oregon for some shrooms to treat his PTSD.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

All jokes aside, my guess is that there was more than just this argument and the wife had other issues buried inside her (passive agressive). But, if I were the husband, I wouldn't hang around anymore. Man! This is a real cliff hanger.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

A wooden coat hanger?!

Was he badly hurt?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

proxy Today  07:09 am JST

If I was that man, I would not hang around.

Phillip bear Today  08:09 am JST

She just wanted him to hang on, and then thought,... hang the consequences !

4TnoToday  09:08 am JST

Wonder what the hubby did to get hit with a wooden hanger instead of a plastic one.

Desert TortoiseToday  10:35 am JST

Hubby may have to travel to Oregon for some shrooms to treat his PTSD.

sir_bentley28Today  08:54 am JST

With all the hang ups and cool hangout spots, she chose to hang on to a hanger? To the guy, just hang in there! 

Phillip bearToday  08:17 am JST

.... at least, it is not a hanging offence.

And last but not least ...

Aly RustomToday  08:12 am JST

Brilliant Guys!! LOL!

If it were the man who'd beaten his wife with a hanger, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that we would see any jokes like this.

But when a woman does it to a man ... hahahaha, it's funny!

And one of the comments above even hints that it was the man's fault -- that he somehow deserved to get hit. Would we ever suggest any such thing if the woman was the victim?

You people ought to be utterly ashamed of yourselves. Every last one of you.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

It's been a while, but here comes the violence-with-weaponized-everyday-object story.

My assumption is that we are supposed to joke about or speculate about the efficacy of the object as a weapon. Or at least downgrade our view of what happened compared to more conventional means, such as "wife kicks and punches husband". If you hurt someone, that's violence. It doesn't really matter how its done.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Rodney Today  10:10 am JST

my partner almost broke my finger because I forgot to bring her keitai in the car. Still in pain.

You shouldn't tolerate that any more than a woman should tolerate her husband or boyfriend hitting her.

But, sadly, society not only tolerates women committing physical violence against men, but even laughs about it.

And don't give me this crap about how men are bigger & stronger than women and that this somehow makes it okay.

I'm under 6 feet tall & 175 pounds dripping wet -- but that doesn't mean I can walk up to some 6'5" 270-pound NFL linebacker and smack him in the head because I don't like something he said or did.

I'd justifiably be arrested for assault -- just after he justifiably kicked my butt.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The man suffered minor injuries to his head, police said,

Doesn't matter. Last week there was an article on here about a woman who'd suffered minor injuries after being hit by her husband.

That did not become an excuse to downplay, justify, or laugh about it.

adding they are questioning the couple on what the argument was about.

So, the man who was the victim of his wife's violent non-adult-like behavior gets treated like a suspect -- having to explain to police what the argument was about, in a way that I doubt a female domestic-violence victim would.

I would tell the cops that it doesn't matter a damn what the argument was about -- because having an argument isn't a crime, but I'm pretty sure assaulting someone with a blunt object is.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Chico3 Today  11:11 am JST

my guess is that there was more than just this argument and the wife had other issues buried inside her (passive aggressive). 

Not a comment that would be made if the roles were reversed.

We wouldn't be speculating about the abusive man's "issues buried inside him" or making any other downplaying comments.

Nope, it would be all about how much of a cretin the man is -- and rightly so.

The anti-male double-standards in society today when it comes to domestic violence (as if women are always sweet little angels who'd never commit such a crime) are on entirely full display here in this story's comment section.

The jokes, the implications if not outright explicit claims that the man must have "deserved" it somehow -- predictable. I'd expected to see nothing else. But still very disturbing.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

He should be thankful that she did not go for the kitchen knife in resolving the conflicts, which is the Japanese way.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Sadly typical, women getting away with violence etc & the man is made a fool of.

If roles were reversed the guy would have been put in a cell, but since the woman is the perp the cops are interested in what led to the violence, the violence itself gets a pass........need some equality here!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The abuse on husbands is rampant in this country - not only physical. I always wondered why so many want to stay at the office or go drinking after work, perhaps have a mistress. There ain't no love at home.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Sounds like he is the woman in that strange relationship. lol

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I agree with everything Based says above. Double standards all round. But I'm also thinking, if he's making a phone call to the police while she's beating him instead of taking the hanger from her, what kind of man is he?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

CapuchinToday 08:29 am JST

If this news story were about a woman being beaten with wooden coat hanger by a man would we be making all these jokes?

Every time there is a story on domestic violence, someone has to make a joke. I've seen it when the victim is a woman, and I see it when the victim is a man.

It's particularly bad when the victim is a man, since it is hard for men to come forward when they are abused by a woman - there is a lot of stigma involved. We need to make it easier, not harder, for men to come forward when they have been abused.

There is nothing funny about DV, and these jokes are completley inappropriate. The mods really should not allow this.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

WandoraToday 01:22 pm JST

I agree with everything Based says above. Double standards all round.

But I'm also thinking, if he's making a phone call to the police while she's beating him instead of taking the hanger from her, what kind of man is he?

He is a good man - a man who will not use his superior strength to hurt a woman, even when she is hurting him.

As for your comment, do you think this kind of commentary will make the men who read it more likely, or less likely, to come forward if they wind up a victim of abuse?

Think on that.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Why the anger?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

RodneyToday  10:10 am JST

Been on the receiving end of whiffle bat by the ex wife

my partner almost broke my finger because I forgot to bring her keitai in the car. Still in pain.

You mean the one that she forgot in the first place?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@stormcrow,"A wooden coat hanger?!

Was he badly hurt". Yes he was hurt, he had to go to hospital to have removed various wooden splinters from the coat hanger, after the nurse bandaged his wounds, he asked her will he make a full recovery? Yes he will solong as he varnishes regularly and changes the bandages

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

And if they do, why pick this case in particular?

Most likely? because people find it interesting for any reason. The gender may be involved, but also it could be the weapon used or how the police traced the call to reach the place of the fight.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I am against all forms of domestic violence.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

girl_in_tokyoToday  01:57 pm JST

WandoraToday 01:22 pm JST

*But I'm also thinking, if he's making a phone call to the police while she's beating him instead of taking the hanger from her, *what kind of man is he?

He is a good man - a man who will not use his superior strength to hurt a woman, even when she is hurting him.

I wasn't suggesting he attacked her, I was referring to him protecting himself.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

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