
Woman stabbed at convenience store in Fukui


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Stabbings like this used to be contained within organized crime gangs and their victims.

Now they occur more frequently among the general population.

Simmering to boil.

Stay safe everyone.

-8 ( +15 / -23 )

Stabbings are still rare in Japan. Unfortunately there are dropkicks and psychos everywhere.

This scum needs to be locked away permanently - whether in prison or in a straight jacket in a loony bin.

I hope the poor, innocent woman can make a full recovery.

19 ( +29 / -10 )

Feel sorry for the woman stabbed, but why, recently, do news agencies insist on adding what unrelated people says?

A woman who lives near the scene said, "I learned about the incident after hearing sirens. An ambulance and three police vehicles were dispatched to the scene.

I learned about this stabbing when I read it in an online news article.

Can I be in the revised edition?

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Japan became a bit dangerous place where knife is kind of tool of stress release?

be careful everyone and watch out for strangers around.

-10 ( +14 / -24 )

Told you guys, now we will have plenty random knife attacks so be careful as the economic situation deteriorates.

The worst part is that Japan likes to give suspended sentence so I'm afraid it ain't going to get any better even if they catch them.

-16 ( +9 / -25 )

Told you guys, now we will have plenty random knife attacks so be careful as the economic situation deteriorates.

Then why have crime trends been going down?

3 ( +18 / -15 )


Crime in Japan is back to normal

But crime rates need to be analysed in separate categories and considered over a longer time span. For instance, crimes that are directly related to social mobility, such as robberies, have been particularly low in the past two years, as the COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to spend more time at home.

After an extraordinary drop in the number of cases, the apparent spike in robberies can be considered a return to normal for Japan. The number of cases are still lower than pre-COVID levels and are consistent with the steady decrease that has been observed in recent years.

9 ( +19 / -10 )

Crime has been dropping for years in Japan. You found a hiccup and are trying to call that a trend.

3 ( +21 / -18 )

Public stabbings in Japan are not rare

Yes they are.

and are increasing.

You say that - how much have they increased by? And where are you getting your numbers? Or is it just a feeling you have?

4 ( +18 / -14 )

Japan became a bit dangerous place where knife is kind of tool of stress release?

And in the west? They use an AR-15

US surpasses 400 mass shootings so far in 2023:

The west has become a war zone where the Gun is kind of tool of stress release!

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

And in the west....

US surpasses 400 mass shootings so far in 2023:

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

According to Kenji Omata, a distinguished professor of criminal psychology at Surugadai University in Hanno, Saitama Prefecture, it remains premature to conclusively determine if the upward trend will persist. He highlights that various factors such as police policies and the reporting of cases by victims can influence these figures. Nevertheless, the data does indicate a broader increase in criminal activity in Japan over the past years.

-3 ( +14 / -17 )

Japan is dangerous place. It’s not safe at all. I think it’s only safer than US, but worse than all the developed world. Also the nature of many crimes are extremely horrific that happens once in few decades in other countries while it is almost daily here. For example, torturing and killing children, headless bodies, burned babies and so on. They don’t happen in other countries on almost daily basis.

-14 ( +12 / -26 )

What are you guys talking about the decreasing crime rate in Japan?

It is actually increasing:

Criminal offenses in the first half of the year increased for the first time in 21 years.

Stay safe and lock your windows and doors at night, its going to get worse before it will get better.

-11 ( +12 / -23 )

Larr Flint.....

Is that increased crime or increased reporting of crime?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

This is disturbing. I hope the victim makes a full recovery. As to random standings, I do not understand why they occur. It makes absolutely no sense. Something sinister is occurring.

For instance, if we go back to 1980 to 1988, this kind of random attack was unheard of in Japan.

Something REALLY has to change so we can go back to the way things were in 1987.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Mr Kipling

Is that increased crime or increased reporting of crime?

If the method of reporting crimes is what is causing the recent upward trend of crime statistics in Japan, rather than an actual increase in crime, then that would mean the previous low numbers and perception of "safe Japan" was based on faulty data, and was not, in fact, true.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Stabbing at a convenience shop would be reported in all developed countries. It’s not more of reporting, it’s actually the increase in crime.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

For instance, if we go back to 1980 to 1988, this kind of random attack was unheard of in Japan.

That's not my memory. Random attacks occurred in that period too. But it's difficult to find data for comparison.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It appears that alot of people are in denial about the increase in crime/stabbings in Japan. As I have said before the choice of weapon is a knife and as things become more expensive and wages become stagnant people will become more desperate and resort to unthinkable things. This could very well just be a small uptick that will increase over time due to joblessness, homelessness and inflation.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


Stabbing at a convenience shop would be reported in all developed countries. It’s not more of reporting, it’s actually the increase in crime.

Of course a stabbing would. However, there has most likely been under-reporting in the past for crimes like rape, sexual assault, domestic assault, and even workplace assault.

I have a strong suspicion that the current increase in crime statistics is due to both - more accurate reporting of crime, and an actual increase in crime, at least in certain types of crimes. But, more accurate reporting definitely plays a part.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It appears that alot of people are in denial about the increase in crime/stabbings in Japan.

I'm in denial of people's rhetoric. People have been saying Japan is a criminal hell hole getting worse, meanwhile crimes are below pandemic level now.

Got any numbers? Because if you don't, we aren't in denial, you're in fantasy land.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Public stabbings in Japan are not rare and are increasing.

Again, got any numbers? Just saying it doesn't make it true.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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