Strangerland comments

Posted in: Ibaraki police re-arrest 3 men over home break-in, robbery, assault See in context

Is nowhere safe in Japan anymore? Can't take public transport or walk the streets without the threat of being knifed. And now people are not safe in their homes. I'm glad top live in a nation where such crimes are extremely rare (i.e. once every 5-10 years, maybe).

Japan is safer than pretty much anywhere else in the world. So if you think it's not safe, then nowhere on earth is safe. Which seems a bit of an extremist view.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Family arrested for murder of decapitated man found in Sapporo hotel See in context

Why is it almost always Sapporo or Saitama???

Is it? People say stuff like that on JT, but whenever someone else posts numbers, it turns out it's not proportionally more Saitama or Sapporo, and instead just posters who have a hangup about these places, repeating what you said, causing others to believe it, and repeat it, cycle repeats.

None of them have actually ever shown they knew what they were talking about though.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for stealing boyfriend’s 'Kingdom Hearts' video game figure See in context

What a great use of my taxes for an horrible crime...definitely pathetic

So he should be above the law? Is that your theory?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: U.S. scattered Japan war criminals' ashes at sea to prevent worship See in context

Then how come i read about this year's ago ?

A year ago isn't recently?

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Posted in: Ukraine says it stopped air attacks on Odesa, while British and Dutch jets go after Russian bombers See in context

A piecemeal and systematic destruction of the capabilities of the enemy army: its logistics, technical potential, officers and personnel is exactly what Russia is doing, not the Ukraine. Every day the Russian forces get a bit stronger and everyday the Ukrainian forces get a little weaker. The Asian Times is even mentioning something like a possible military coup against Zelenskyy as the Ukrainian commanders are tired of throwing young men in the grinder to die in a hopeless war if it continues much longer.

That's the agenda the Russia propaganda machine is pushing. Are you pushing the same agenda intentionally as Putin's propaganda machine or is it coincidental?

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Posted in: Ukraine says it stopped air attacks on Odesa, while British and Dutch jets go after Russian bombers See in context

The ruble is worth less then a penny now.

Remember we used to say cheaper than borscht? Now we can switch worldwide to cheaper than the ruble.

6 ( +18 / -12 )

Posted in: Taiwan will not back down to threats, Taiwan VP says on U.S. trip See in context

Well if thats truly the case then please explain why Taiwan hasn't officially claimed independence ?

Do you also question why people don't tap-dance in minefields?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Posted in: U.S. author of WWII-related book urges youth to learn war history See in context

I find that on a social level, the rest of Asia loves Japan. I was surprised in China how many of the people there were interested in Japan when I told them I lived there. It's only on a political level does real anger exist between the nations.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Posted in: 'Barbie' tops box office again and gives industry a midsummer surge See in context

You do have to wonder how much right-wing freakouts have contributed to the success of this movie. I admit, I'm interested to see it due to the cultural hype, whereas when I'd heard about it during development, I had no interest whatsoever. Now I'm curious what they're freaking out about.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Posted in: Survey responds to most important factors when deciding which izakaya to go to See in context

Ah yes, I live near Suruga Bay so I know those tiny critters a little. One of the main catches here, if I remember right, along with fish like shirasu and aji.

I had them when visiting Shizuoka, so that all lines up! I had the local shirasu as well, though I don't like it so much.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Survey responds to most important factors when deciding which izakaya to go to See in context

The ones I had were small and not very meaty. Basically eating deep-fried chitin, which mostly tasted of salt and oil (which isn’t a bad thing either).

I've had deep-fried 桜エビ (sakura-ebi - tiny little shrimp) that I would basically describe as you just did. It was a good snack while drinking.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Survey responds to most important factors when deciding which izakaya to go to See in context

Deep fried scorpions!!! Yucky wucky!

They might be good - it's basically just a land-lobster.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: How China is responding to economic challenges See in context

I predicted somewhere around 2012 or 2013 that China's economy would eventually have a major collapse, due to China's excellent ability to create a beautiful facade, while ignoring the strong foundation required to make it permanent underneath. It's why their governments have always been filled with corruption. When I came to this realization, our company started our exit from doing business in China. I didn't know when it would happen - I'm not knowledgeable enough to know that - but I could see it was an inevitability.

I'm not sure they're at that point yet, as the CCP has an excellent ability to recover and maintain, as full authoritarian control allows for drastic moves that could not happen in democracies, that can quickly take care of small and even moderately large issues. But eventually the cracks in the foundation will fracture in too many places at once, the CCP will not be able to manage the narrative, and the thing about facts is that they tell the truth even when the narrative doesn't. With the narrative of the CCP not able to cover the reality of the situation, the rest of the world will acknowledge the reality, and the Chinese economy will collapse as a result.

I don't know when this will happen - could be next week, could be 30 years from now. But authoritarianism is built on a weak foundation, and without a strong foundation, everything eventually collapses.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Re-imagining democracy for the 21st century, possibly without the trappings of the 18th century See in context

We just will not even land all on an alien planet, so it's an obsolete imaginary theory which not needs to be discussed

Huh? Are you under the impression that humanity has developed to our current level of technological wonder, by not exploring various theories?

here on Earth nothing will develop for better.

Are you not able to recognize this as a nihilistic attitude? Can you name anyone in history with a nihilistic attitude who had helped humanity progress to the place we are? Has nihilism ever served humanity in a positive manner?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S., Japan to develop hypersonic missile interceptor: report See in context

More weapons aren't the solution to peace in the region

If it is not the solution, then what is the solution? I think it is the solution.

There is no "the" solution. And you guys are talking two different things. The original quote was someone speaking an ideal, and the latter was someone speaking reality. If we accept things as-is with no hope for improvement, there is no hope. But if we drop reality to focus exclusively on the ideal, we'll find other groups of people will push their reality onto the rest of us.

"The" solution is a combination of both. Protect yourself now with the weapons you need, while working with your enemies and the rest of the world to move closer towards the idea. This is literally the purpose of society. When we were all independent tribes, we had to focus exclusively on reality, with no room for the ideal. Otherwise you died. With society, while we still have a long way to go, we are closer to the ideal, and should continue working towards it.

Neither the ideal nor the reality should be ignored, and any solution that only proposes one or the other is incomplete.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: An introduction to sushi and sashimi See in context

Is it the same as sumeshi?

Yes, that is what it is called.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: China vows 'forceful' response over Taiwan VP's U.S. visit See in context

I was recently living with a Taiwanese person who told me they were all Chinese.

In my experience this is true. I have never known a Taiwanese person who didn't say they were ethnically Chinese. Taiwanese people don't have a problem with their culture, their problem is with the CCP. Who do not represent Chinese people by the way, they only represent the CCP.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: An introduction to sushi and sashimi See in context

Simply put, sushi (寿司, すし) are slices of fresh fish or seafood (known as gu 具) on white rice that has been flavored with sushi vinegar.

Wrongly put. Not simply.

Simply put, sushi is sugared, vinegar rice. The fish is a topping, but is NOT what makes the sushi.

I can't believe they would put an article on a website about Japan, written to teach people about Japan, and get this very significant point wrong in the first sentence of the article.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Malaysia festival canceled over gay kiss seeks $2.7 mil from British band See in context

Some seem to be a bit coy about their views on this. The argument ‘their country-their laws’ has some merit but maybe this appalling treatment of the LGBT community does deserve a passing comment at least

As with everything, any extreme is bad. Countries deserve criticism for their bad laws that don't respect human right, while also having the right to self determination and deciding what the rules of their land are.

Losers that are too low-intelligence to realize their opinions are entirely useless to humanity go to one extreme or the other.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: How China is responding to economic challenges See in context

If we were talking about a different country you may have a point. But this is China, where the government fabricates its statistics for political reasons.

It's true. China does often release numbers, but so many of them are fake, it's hard to trust any of them. The CCP runs an opaque government, not a transparent one. They ensure all media has the correct ideological spin to it.

Like Russia.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Six dead after migrant boat capsizes in Channel See in context

I am not a politician or economist so I don't have detailed solutions but the current situation does not work and is costing millions of something. Dealing with the cause has been pushed for decades.

Yeah, it's one of those empty statements that make people feel better about their anger. "They just need to deal with the root of the problem", as if this is some simple solution, rather than an almost infinitely complex situation due to governments not being able to set rules in other countries without going to war and taking the other countries over.

Armchair quarterbacks will whine and blame politicians for not implementing some fantasy solution that doesn't exist anywhere other than the ideological fake world these people have made up in their minds.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese curry chain highly recommended by foreigners on Reddit, but is it any good? See in context

I eat vegetarian curries all the time. Not Japanese of course, that one is pretty inextricable from meat. But lots of vegetarian Indian curries.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Six dead after migrant boat capsizes in Channel See in context

The way Australia have done. Stop sending any shop so called "rescue" orchestrated by EU. Lock down NGO ships and people for helping smugglers. Italy and Greece have tried but so called Human Rights and EU want them more.

Ahh, the punitive approach. Got it.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Six dead after migrant boat capsizes in Channel See in context

By making business investments in the countries of origin to increase jobs and encourage people to remain in their own countries. By giving aid.

But the the right-wingers freak out about giving people in other countries money. So how do you deal with that?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Malaysia festival canceled over gay kiss seeks $2.7 mil from British band See in context

Hard to respect a country that hates love. What a backwoods dump.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Posted in: A major problem now is that there are children who have shut themselves in at home. We hope to give them an opportunity to take a step forward toward the future. See in context

So we should just give in to the child’s demands because they’re having a fit?

No, of course not. It's a complex situation that require nuanced responses, which literally takes pages to describe, and years of study to know about.

But of course armchair experts on JT want to boil it down in to a simplistic black or white 'it's easy, you just....' answer that doesn't exist in the real world.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan, China quietly mark friendship pact 45th anniversary amid tensions See in context

they envy the Chinese people

I heard Japanese express many different thoughts about the Chinese over the 2 decades I lived there, but I never heard them express envy.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Six dead after migrant boat capsizes in Channel See in context

Germany, France, the UK, and the EU needs to tackle the cause, not the effect.

And how would they do that?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: S Koreans rally against Japanese plans to release treated nuclear wastewater into sea See in context

No Japanese person tried it, only unaware foreigners

I heard lots of Japanese people were eating them. You must not have been there long. Or did you stand there and happen to count?

2 ( +16 / -14 )

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