JRO comments

Posted in: Trains, flights canceled as typhoon makes landfall over western Japan See in context

So..you think there's somehow less typhoons ?

Guessing it might be a bit early for you, but maybe re read what I wrote.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Trains, flights canceled as typhoon makes landfall over western Japan See in context

Climate change is making typhoons worse. Downvote if you like, the truth doesn’t care about a thumbs down on a comments page!

Climate change doesn't really need to mean that it's getting worse everywhere, changes to water temperature and currents etc can change the paths that typhoons take and make some areas less affected. When I first came to Kansai in 2004 I remember we got multiple days off from school every year because of typhoons. Now days there is barely one every year that causes people to have to stay home from work and school in the Kansai area.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Posted in: Nearly 30% of Japan prefectures saw crowds surpass pre-COVID levels See in context

I was out in Namba at night last weekend and I was quite surprised to see the amount of western looking foreigners, honestly more than pre covid by the looks of it. I didn't think it would normalize this fast, especially with flights from Europe having doubled in price and length because of Russia.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: In Japan, which bans dual custody, a table tennis star refuses to hand back her son to her ex See in context

I think this case is even worse because she doesn't seem to care that she is separating the brother and sister. If you were the better parent to take care of the children you wouldn't separate the kids.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: In Japan, which bans dual custody, a table tennis star refuses to hand back her son to her ex See in context

Well good luck my sticking around cost me nearly a month in hospital 2 surgeries and the children in a government facility during that time.

So watch your back is all I can say.

Yeah I'm in a very specific situation work wise that allows me to work and take care of my kid, but yeah one hospital visit or loss of work and that would all fall together, hope things work out for you.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: In Japan, which bans dual custody, a table tennis star refuses to hand back her son to her ex See in context

Sounds very sad. So who changes your child's diaper when you are out at work and who feeds them?

I work from home, so I'm basically a house dad and full time worker taking care of 2 kids, just that one of them is more annoying and wants to be treated as an adult. To be fair she does feed him at times, just that it's either Uber eats or konbini stuff. Can change a diaper from time to time as well, just that number two is a no go.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: In Japan, which bans dual custody, a table tennis star refuses to hand back her son to her ex See in context

Now this is not advice but how the laws and custody works in Japan.

If a spouse leaves the home then automatically the custody goes to the one that stayed with the children.

But if one spouse leaves the home taking the children to a new home well then by the same situation the custody usually goes to that parent.

That is why many Japanese women grab the children and run home to their parents place, they nearly always get custody doing this.

Just letting you know.

Yeah I have heard of that happening a lot, not so much on the fathers side though so not sure how that would pan out. Luckily her parents are on my side, since they know she can't take care of herself and they will be the one's having to take care of them, which they are not in a position to do.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: In Japan, which bans dual custody, a table tennis star refuses to hand back her son to her ex See in context

Why when an example oh some exception is needed is Sweden used.

Because I'm Swedish. Not sure about custody issues but the US has other bigger problems that makes it a lot less desirable to live in than Japan. Just because we are writing in english doesn't mean we are all Americans.

A country with less population that Tokyo and nearly everyone lives with a very limited area.

You know that Sweden is about the same size as Japan right? and no not everyone lives in the same place. Also not sure why population is brought up every time Americans try to explain why they can't have the same things as other countries, these things are scalable, if anything it makes it easier.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: In Japan, which bans dual custody, a table tennis star refuses to hand back her son to her ex See in context

Oh please, you think it is any better in other countries with dual custody?

Yes mostly it's a lot better, In Sweden most sees marriage and parenthood as two separate things and are able to keep things working even after marriage. In countries like Japan you have people stay in toxic marriages that only cause damage to the kids, just because they know the dangers and shame of divorcing.

I'm currently in a very toxic marriage, wife hasn't worked for 7 years, don't clean don't cook, can't change diapers etc. Only reason I can't end it is because sometimes when she gets mad she talks about taking away my kid. That is the reality for many people.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: In Japan, which bans dual custody, a table tennis star refuses to hand back her son to her ex See in context

Every time I hear people talk about the North Korean abduction issue all I can think of is the abductions happening daily here in Japan. Can't even count the number of times I have talked to other fathers that has lost access to their kids here, Japanese and foreigners. People can't seem to grasp how similar those situations are.

-5 ( +21 / -26 )

Posted in: Crown Princess Kiko tests positive for COVID See in context

People saying they haven't had it etc, at this point if you don't live a self sustained life in the forest you have most definitely gotten it, probably many times. I work from home and barely go outside and I have had it multiple times, I just happen to be someone that gets pretty bad from it. The reality is that most people don't get that bad from it, some might just get a slight cold not worth checking out and some won't even show symptoms, but for sure we have all had it in our system.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan to see price hikes on 35,000 food, drink items by end of 2023 See in context

We talk about GDP per capita etc a lot, but the real way to measure something should be quality of life. I just got back from Sweden. My brothers have ordinary jobs, I make around 3 times more than either of them, they have big houses 200m2 plus, building pools etc, multiple kids, while I live in a 90m2 apartment not even considering having more than one kid. If anyone were to compare our lives, nobody would probably thing that I was the one earning the most. Even really rich people in Japan don't really look like they have very luxury lives, a 2億 house in Japan no matter the location looks like a 5 千万 house in Sweden. Then adding 1 month plus summer vacation etc and all other benefits I really start to wonder what I'm doing here.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to see price hikes on 35,000 food, drink items by end of 2023 See in context

Every company and product will be trying to increase prices, at least those of publicly traded companies. doesn't matter if they are affected by imports or not. It's currently a great time to get away with price increases without it getting any individual backlash while also being able to keep their customers as people have gotten used to the constant price increases. If it doesn't work out as expected they can just market it as a price decrease and get a boost.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: 'Oppenheimer' isn't opening in Japan this week, but the country has a long history of cinema about the war See in context

For everyone confused about why movies gets delayed here.

Japanese doesn't pirate movies and most wouldn't know how to if asked, so if something gets delayed they will just not know about it or just patiently wait, as a bonus they also don't complain. If other countries were to do the same most people that wants to see that movie would find other ways to do so, which is why this isn't done in other countries.

As for the reason why Japan delay some movies even really big titles. As they don't have to worry about piracy they can just wait around for the perfect timing to release something, too many blockbuster releases this summer, just push some to next summer, unthinkable in the rest of the world but in Japan it works.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 'Oppenheimer' isn't opening in Japan this week, but the country has a long history of cinema about the war See in context

The main reason Japan and it's elite don't feel the need to censor is because they are in the rare position of not having to, the majority of Japanese just consumes what ever they are fed. Very rarely to they wander outside of the Japanese news and entertainment bubble. Other big reason, Japanese don't pirate anything, any other country and half the country would have seen the movie already if it was one week late to premiere. in Japan most wouldn't even know of a movies existence if Japan decided to not release it.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Anti-trans hostility rises in Japan See in context

One can very simply go on youtube and type in key words such as trans attacks... and you wil get a clip ftom a news source or blog or vlog or youtuber or any source.

Yeah totally impossible to find any hetero attacks on youtube. This is the problem with people with little brain capacity, they see one or two videos in their bubble of right wingers and tell themselves it's happening all the time. I promise you that you can find 10k non trans attack videos for every trans attack video.

-10 ( +12 / -22 )

Posted in: Anti-trans hostility rises in Japan See in context

I don't like the disinformation campaign going on making it seem like trans people are somewhat more likely to attack women, but I also don't like how the trans and gay community is being grouped together, both here and in the west. Gay people don't bother anyone and has as little to do with trans people as straight people has to do with trans people, but for some reason they are always grouped together making people less likely to support the right of gay people. The big difference being that Gay people don't bother anyone, while I can understand women not wanting to share a bathroom or other female only spaces with someone that is not biologically a female. Only real solution is a third bathroom category.

-12 ( +14 / -26 )

Posted in: 82-year-old man goes on trial for killing wife by pushing her in wheelchair into sea See in context

Although different circumstances I know the pain of having to care for your wife, doing that for 40 years is crazy. Not sure how he figured drowning her was the most humane way to put her to rest though, one of the worst ways to die.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: What the Vietnamese Barbie movie ban tells us about China's politics of persuasion See in context

Governments really need to start dealing with China and all their buyups and soft power moves, there is a reason they don't allow foreign companies to do the same thing in China. People and companies will always do what's in their own best economic interests, which is why there must be restrictions on a higher level.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Osaka police mistakenly arrest man in revenge porn case See in context

I'm actually surprised they even apologized, I think it's more common they just shrug it under the mat and charge the person, even when fully knowing they made a mistake. You don't get a 99% conviction rate without arresting a lot of innocent people.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: World Heritage temple in Nara vandalized by visiting foreign teen See in context

Pillars and walls at temples are literally filled with name carvings etc, I wonder why this one hit the news hmm...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Kishida unveils new measures to reverse declining birthrate amid election rumors See in context

Certainly spending 1’s and 0’s on helping families have and raise more healthy children should take a back seat to LBBQ whatever. What’s wrong with these folks?

invalid CSRF

Allowing people the same rights to live as the rest does not cost anything, sadly they keep spending money on meetings and creating bills to avoid giving these rights, so the opposite is true.

Need to teach the lads some game to start. What percentage of young Japanese have never had a girlfriend by 25 you reckon? 30%? More? 50?

The Pareto principal in this arena explains a lot. Those that are doing well are doing really well, and are thus less likely to step out of their found arena of prowess to settle down. Those at the other end of the graph are doing very badly, like almost mission impossible level badly. Many young lads just laugh if you ask them if they have a girlfriend. This is occurring in many countries in the world too by the looks, not just inJapan. The dynamics of dating and relationships have completely changed, and I don’t see what throwing trillions of yen or the likes of Kishidasan can actually do about it. More to do with the election than the erection this one! Excuse the pun!

Not sure how much it has to do with game, but yeah I feel women in general have a very skewed view of what level of man they should be able to get, and it ends up with the top 5% having a tabehoudai and the bottom 50% with nothing.

I think one reason for this is that good looking men or any man for that matter, is able to speak, have fun and end up having a one night stand with women that they would never date. Women on the other hand mostly only go for men that is totally their type or that they believe to be on their level. I think all these women that is being played around by these top 5% men end up thinking that they can end up with a man of that level, be it rich/handsome or both. Of course I'm stereotyping a lot but often hearing about such topics from female friends I think many have very unrealistic expectations.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Kishida unveils new measures to reverse declining birthrate amid election rumors See in context

Japan is showing the world that economic growth can be achieved with a falling population. The world is taking notes - and many nations may well follow suit.

I want to live in what ever bubble you are living in.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Posted in: Kishida unveils new measures to reverse declining birthrate amid election rumors See in context

The reality is that it's way too late to make any impactful changes when it comes to local births. You could make all higher education free for all kids, but then adding it back on taxes would more or less erase any positive outlook such a change would make. It mostly comes down to how young people see their future, and all they see are higher taxes and negative prospects. Boomers are sitting on most of the money this country has while young people are basically living in a third world country, might want to target that money.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese police make first-ever YouTuber arrest for uploading video game gameplay videos See in context

Japanese companies seems to never look to overseas to learn, I do understand that this game is a bit special since it's more like movie than an actual game, but overall they seem to push the law towards all gameplay videos being illegal. Meanwhile EA and Activision is paying individual streamers millions to play their game on release. Because they have learnt that's really good cost performance marketing.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: At Hiroshima G7, atomic bomb survivors grapple with a disarmament dream deferred See in context

I'm sure we all wish nuclear weapons was never invented at all so I'm no way for it, but regarding that it was unjust and took things too far and that an official apology is needed shows peoples emotional response and lack of logical thinking or just lack of knowledge. The reality is that way more people would have died if it didn't happen, and that many more people died from regular bombs and the fire bombings in Tokyo, Also if the apology is for the people that unjustly died Japan has numerous nuclear bombs amounts of killed to apologize for, but among the countries on the wrong side of history in this war Japan has been the most unapologetic.

On the other side I absolutely think the US was eager to try their new weapon and that it wasn't the only way to end things. But I doubt there was a way to end it that ended up with less people dead.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Posted in: Another ex-member of Johnny's talent agency says he was sexually abused See in context

Knowing how things work here and especially in the entertainment industry it's for sure way worse on the female side, but since the female idols here rely so heavily on their innocence, victim or not their career will be damaged by them coming out and the people with the power knows this.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Turkey's Erdogan, master campaigner, faces toughest contest yet See in context

I think with all the news about Turkey this past year people that had little knowledge about Turkey thinks they are some kind of world leading country. Sure they have a big army, and sure they have an important strategic location but they have the GDP of the Netherlands and things are just getting worse for them.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan has a peculiar history related to immigration policy. In the 1960s and 1970s, Japan succeeded with economic growth without new immigrants and became the first Asian country to achieve industrialization with a very conservative division of labor. See in context

Good on Japan. Look at how flooding your nation with migrants has worked out for Scandavia and the EU. The vast majority are still on welfare 10 years on. So much for that imported labor pool.

I think you might be referring to refugees? people fleeing war etc? not really wanting to live in those countries but don't have much of a choice. This is to some degree necessary, but that's not the immigration we are talking about for Japan.

Japan does it best to limit the ways for actual productive and motivated people to fully immigrate here. The problem with refugees you are talking about is some what real but that we should be helping out with, as Japan just like most rich countries gladly use these countries for our own gain when it suits us, but with about 10 accepted refugees a year I don't think we are doing our part.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Alibaba founder Jack Ma turns up in Japan as college professor See in context

Would it not be better to keep his where abouts secret?

Pretty sure that when the one you are running from is something like the Chinese government your best bet to keep yourself safe and alive is to stay in the publics eye and look as non suicidal as possible.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

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