NotThe One comments

Posted in: Kishida sends offering to Yasukuni shrine on WWII anniversary See in context

From my personal experience with physical conflict in Japan with Japanese men, most are all talk when it is time to get to fisticuffs. They are the first to run to the police or play the victim including the wannabe tough guys in the photo!

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Posted in: Georgia charges Trump, former advisers with illegally trying to overturn 2020 loss See in context

In the fevered imagination of DT, all black people and their allies are out to get him for his birtherism against Barack Obama which he used to leverage his base and rise to some political prominence.

Not to mention, being a slumlord, discriminating against black tenant applications in New York, calling for the execution of the Central Park Five. That was before political office. During political office, the support of White Nationalist groups and use of the "White Power" in his public speeches.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: Georgia charges Trump, former advisers with illegally trying to overturn 2020 loss See in context

Trump's campaign finances will be scrutinized, so no more embezzlement to pay his family and his legal fees. Let's see how his defense fund goes!

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Posted in: Georgia charges Trump, former advisers with illegally trying to overturn 2020 loss See in context

Great fodder to fuel Trump's campaign.

Russian collusion!

That myth has been debunked. DeSantis poll numbers tanking is the real reason that Trump has a larger lead.

No, Trump's poll numbers don't 'go way up' every time he gets indicted

14 ( +19 / -5 )

Posted in: Georgia charges Trump, former advisers with illegally trying to overturn 2020 loss See in context


"You know, everyone is saying this, and they’re smart people who are saying this, and what they’re saying is no President has ever been so good at getting indicted like me. No one ever. Just look at the polls and you’ll see I’m huge in terms of how good I do. I would give myself an A+, at least, maybe even more, for how good I get indicted. I mean, you look at President Lincoln, and some people will say he did some stuff, maybe even good stuff, but he never had the poll numbers like me. People are saying it was the best indictment ever."

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Posted in: Georgia charges Trump, former advisers with illegally trying to overturn 2020 loss See in context

LOL! Ten more indictments in Georgia where presidents and governors cannot pardon presidents!

It is such a beautiful day!

23 ( +28 / -5 )

Posted in: Lost and laughing: 5 embarrassing stories of tourists in Japan See in context

I want to know more about the naked tourist incident. Now those restraint devices the police carry make sense.

During samurai times, those restraining poles had spikes running all along U-shape to snag the perpetrators clothing or to twist for pain-induced compliance.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Syrian capital rocked by explosions but no immediate word on source or target of attacks See in context

Russia, Iran, and the Syrian government are working together to distract the US government from helping Ukraine or somehow embarrass the US on the world stage by expelling them from Syria.

There is also a conflict brewing between the US and Russia on the African continent!

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Posted in: Man arrested for alleged sexual assault during ascetic training session See in context

If Katsuhiko truly assaulted these women then he should be punished; however, I have several questions.

Question 1: What are the specific criteria in Japan use to identify if a sexual assault occurred?

Not all countries are the same

Question 2: Did Katsuhiko meet any of the criteria (if any) besides engaging in sexual intercourse?

My reasoning:

Persuasion comes in many forms. It can be threats, physical violence, lies, bribes, happiness, peer pressure, and etc. Only one of the five would be considered illegal in most countries around the world. Some maybe in only professional situations.

Based on the information that may have been deliberately withheld in this article, Katsuhiko just lied to get these women to have sex with him when they might have been emotionally vulnerable. The context did not involve any professional setting.

1) Lying to have sex with another person is usually not a crime. Immoral, yes. Illegal, no.

2) Also, regret which some of this women may have because they no longer trust or like Katsuhiko alone should not be enough to charge a person with a crime.

3) Other people have also felt pressured to do something that did not necessarily want to do in their personal and professional lives. People sometimes have sex with their partners when they may not really be in the mood. However, unless physical violence was apart of it or some other illegal act then it may just have been an immoral act. Because without the threat of physical violence or another illegal act, those people can always just leave or continue to say 'No.'

We need more details about this story!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for alleged sexual assault during ascetic training session See in context

I sincerely hope that if your daughter is ever sexually assaulted that someone, somewhere, reading about it calls her stupid.

Maybe it would help you gain empathy.

You nor we know if he sexually assaulted those women. Based on the limited information in the article, he did not. The only thing we know for sure is he is a liar and a manipulator. Neither one is technically a crime.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Biden's reelection bid faces vulnerabilities in wake of special counsel appointment See in context

No, not the most capable to lead the country, but rather the most connected to further their agenda. He has so far been leading the country off a cliff...

Yet, you supported Trump's failed presidency and illegal activities.

Ironically, the anti-Biden crowded like the GOP appear to be projecting Trump. Everything they claim Biden did or is, Trump is actually being indicted for.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: Man arrested for alleged sexual assault during ascetic training session See in context

If Katsuhiko truly assaulted these women then he should be punished; however, I have several questions.

Question 1: What are the specific criteria in Japan use to identify if a sexual assault occurred?

Not all countries are the same

Question 2: Did Katsuhiko meet any of the criteria (if any) besides engaging in sexual intercourse?

My reasoning:

Persuasion comes in many forms. It can be threats, physical violence, lies, bribes, happiness, peer pressure, and etc. Only one of the five would be considered illegal in most countries around the world. Some maybe in only professional situations.

Based on the information that may have been deliberately withheld in this article, Katsuhiko just lied to get these women to have sex with him when they might have been emotionally vulnerable. The context did not involve any professional setting.

1) Lying to have sex with another person is usually not a crime. Immoral, yes. Illegal, no.

2) Also, regret which some of this women may have because they no longer trust or like Katsuhiko alone should not be enough to charge a person with a crime.

3) Other people have also felt pressured to do something that did not necessarily want to do in their personal and professional lives. People sometimes have sex with their partners when they may not really be in the mood. However, unless physical violence was apart of it or some other illegal act then it may just have been an immoral act. Because without the threat of physical violence or another illegal act, those people can always just leave or continue to say 'No.'

We need more details about this story!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Biden's reelection bid faces vulnerabilities in wake of special counsel appointment See in context


FACT CHECK: False. For example, simply google “Burisma.” There are those who might not find this evidence compelling but evidence exists, compelling or not.

Which means you nor the GOP has any evidence of a crime being committed.

Read the article! Langworthy is on the committee with Comer, and he admitted to not having any evidence on FOXNews!

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Posted in: Biden's reelection bid faces vulnerabilities in wake of special counsel appointment See in context

Also, on FOXNews this week. Republican Representative Nick Langworthy tried to defend the GOP investigation into Joe Biden’s alleged corruption—only to end up admitting that they still don’t have any proof.

But Langworthy fumbled that point big time on Thursday during an interview with Fox News. Fox correspondent Gillian Turner pointed out that Republicans have yet to produce “a smoking gun: clear-cut, undeniable proof of the president’s involvement.”

Republican Congressman Accidentally Admits There’s No Proof of Biden Corruption

1 ( +11 / -10 )

Posted in: Biden's reelection bid faces vulnerabilities in wake of special counsel appointment See in context

Yeah! Not everyone wants him to be president again! Some Democrats believe that he is too old.

Haley says GOP voters not talking about Hunter Biden on campaign trail

This article above tells us all we need to know! Republicans do not want Biden because he is more successful as president than Trump, he is allowing all the Republican related criminals to be prosecuted, he has nothing (race, religion, sexual preference, etc....) that the Republicans can use to motivate their base to support them (they are not the party of ideas trying to help the country) and he is a Democrat.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

Posted in: Chinese local authorities seized food imported from Japan: report See in context

There is one thing that no one here has discussed. It may be it is too expensive for Chinese consumers. China is currently dealing with 'Deflation.' The rate of growth this year is exactly the same as during the pandemic. It does not look good.

According to official statistics released Wednesday, consumer prices had fallen by 0.3 percent over the last year after being stagnant for months.

Economists have also tracked a huge decrease in foreign direct investment in China, likely both a result of covid-19 restrictions and economic gloom in the country but also the trade war initiated by the Trump administration against Beijing and continued with Biden.

They're siding with Russia and threatening Taiwan also has not helped.

China is facing enormous unemployment problems. The unemployment rate for 16- to 24-year-olds hit a record 21 percent in June - though some experts believe it is actually even higher. China likes to lie a lot!

They may want people to purchase more local products to keep the economy afloat, but they also want workers to go abroad to repatriate income either legal or illegal! The upper CCP will enjoy those spoils at their homes, by selling the rest on the black market, or by imposing some extra taxes that magically disappear on the importing companies.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: China's Ukraine peace talks gambit shows shifts amid hard realities See in context

China backed the wrong side during the first half of the game and is now trying to switch sides during half-time. It is no surprise countries like Iran, NK, Russia, and China want leaders like Trump in office.

They were free to do what they want globally with impunity. Now, that a Democrat is in office. Russia is being humiliated by Ukraine. China and Iran are being isolated and regulated to second tier countries on the world stage. They are trying their best to sit at all the major tables, but they can simply watch. China sat at the kids table in Saudi Arabia. Another despicable country that is doing a better job than China to change its global image at the moment. NK who? Nobody is concerned with them.

These countries have all been resorting to upping their espionage and kidnapping Americans to get some kind of leverage over the US. Still, old man Biden has been playing with former President Obama's playbook and running circles around these countries.

The more Russia loses, the probability of China's attacking Taiwan anytime diminishes. China's economy would need to hit rock bottom before the population would be willing to go to war with Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, SK, and the US. The population would probably start a coup before that happens.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump to be arraigned Tuesday See in context

People on Chinese social media say Trump's indictment embarrassed the US and made China look so good, he should just join the Chinese Communist Party


The people who are upset about the indictment are the Trump fans, the Russian government, North Korea, and Chinese government.

What do they all have in common?

They all believe Trump was helping to destroy the country that they all hate.

Also, the investigation about Jan 6, voter fraud in Georgia, and the stolen documents in Florida.

This might make Trump the Republican Nominee which guarantees Biden's victory!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Yahoo! Japan won’t let anyone post comments without providing a phone number See in context

Since Vladimir Putin blocked Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in March, Russia has been pushing away from the global internet at a rapid pace.

Notable bans: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google News, BBC News, NPR, Die Welt, AOL, Ukrayinska Pravda,, Interfax-Ukraine, Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe sites, Voice of America,, Quora, Amnesty International, and

That is what dictators do!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Astronomers are captivated by brightest flash ever seen See in context

I cant wait until we reach those "Super earths" that NASA has already discovered.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: GOP makes push to weaken Democrats' grip on Texas border See in context

This seems critical:

State with most murders:


State with most violent crimes:


painkiller.......That is no different than Bass4funk's argument. Using a particular crime or one city to justify an illogical argument when the topic is about which states have the most/least crime. The answer is red states have the most crime, lowest education rate and use more federal aid!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Russia launches cruise missiles at Ukraine as street fighting begins in Kyiv See in context

This is terrible for the poor people of Ukraine!

31 ( +38 / -7 )

Posted in: China is Russia's best hope to blunt sanctions, but wary See in context

It is all about the money. The Chinese government will straddle the fence to identify what decision is in their best interest.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

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