Tony Kaku comments

Posted in: Woman arrested for stealing boyfriend’s 'Kingdom Hearts' video game figure See in context

And for our next trick ladies and gentlemen, we'll create the illusion we care by prosecuting Johnny Kitagawa's current management for hiding the abuse of children committed by their ex-President...what, too difficult you say?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: N Koreans ordered to protect Kim dynasty portraits from storm See in context

Imagine the prison they have been born in and had to endure all this time. Particularly regular families with little education who didn't have the opportunity to be of particular use to the regime and work themselves somewhat up the greasy pole and get a slightly better life. One can only wonder if we will all be in some kind of digital prison in the future and not much better off and with no way of changing our circumstances like the North Koreans.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: This 'Texas Pile' set lured us into a fried chicken shop for the first time, and we have no regrets See in context

But just ten minutes later, Masanuki’s first-ever dining experience there would change his life forever.

Turns out, Masanuki didn't really have very much of a life before this. Ganbare Masanuki!

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Royal sport See in context

This guy and his wife is such an embarrassment to the British Royal family and he is completely blind to it. You can't help feeling sorry for William and Kate and a few others just a little bit, though Charles hasn't helped my giving Prince and Princess titles to their kids and not clearly drawing a red line in the sand then backing it up with action. Its a pity the Queen didn't put the whole matter to bed before she died. The Japanese Royal Family would be very well briefed on him, though his antics don't seem to have registered so much here with the majority of the population. I think maybe their memory of Diana is still providing him some protection or maybe no one cares. Divorce by the end of 2023.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Posted in: North Korea leader Kim Jong Un gives field guidance at major arms factories See in context

Maybe the UN should be focusing their available resources more on this kind of person for the pain and suffering he has caused and is causing millions of people, opposed to their current investigation into a dead Japanese entertainment producer that wasn't prosecuted by gutless authorities or stood up to by weak television executives when he was alive.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: 7-Eleven apologizes for cockroaches in onigiri rice balls See in context

We sincerely apologize for the extreme trouble and inconvenience caused to our customers. In future, we will strengthen and enforce thorough quality control and strive to prevent a recurrence.”

One would think in this day and age that some kind of compensation would be part and part of any recall of food. There are probably customers who didn't notice and ate their Pickled Plum Shiso onigiri, as well as those that hadn't eaten it as yet. The company's generic corporate apology is like a fart in the wind, and make no mistake, they will be squeezing the factory's owners 'onigiri balls' behind the scenes and securing much better trading terms and prices for the foreseeable future. The manager will probably get a pay cut and possibly be sat by a window for a few months to consider the damage they have caused.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Millions live with low back pain, but addressing risk factors like smoking, obesity and ergonomics could curb trend See in context

I was introduced to a 'movement method' called Feldenkrais about a year ago by a friend who was a wrestler in Japan who had some major back and neck problems. I had never ever heard about Feldenkrais before that. I've had a bad back for 25 years now. It isn't an instant fix but it has certainly improved my body's overall movement and reduced the sharp painful aches I often had. I had previously been hospitalized three times in Japan because my back herniated so badly that it left me unable to walk properly or even stand up at its very worst.

I don't know if JT allows recommendations that are ON TOPIC [absolutely no financial connection to me at all] but if anyone suffers from any kind of back, shoulder, neck or joint pain, or finds it difficult to move, check out Feldenkrais Project. Their website offers about 50 different instructor lead one hour (approx) audio routines for FREE. The sessions are very slow, and extremely easy on the body. Try it for a week or so and you will soon know if it helps (probably first two or three sessions). My friend said they have no more problems. For myself, my back is in a much better condition overall and I don't have the horrible life changing flare ups I had before.

For those (like I was) who haven't heard about Feldenkrais before [from Google]

"A chronic knee injury prompted Moshe Feldenkrais to apply his knowledge of physics, body mechanics, neurology, learning theory and psychology to a new understanding of human function and resulted in the formulation of a unique synthesis of science and aesthetics, known as the Feldenkrais Method. He studied with Jigoro Kano, the originator of Judo, and in 1936 became one of the first Europeans to earn a black belt in that discipline." I think he also opened the first judo dojo in Paris.

Anyway if it helps anyone out there like it has helped me, I am happy to recommend it so you can try it for yourself. You people out there that walk around in pain everyday know who you are. This is for you.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 'Perv hunters' arrested in Tokyo for blackmailing alleged voyeur See in context

Vigilante justice should be stamped out.

Not acting as vigilantes and not in the cause of justice, but possibly the instant retribution of karma.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Japanese high school kids average 12% correct answers in English oral test See in context

High school or Junior High school??? The headline and first sentence contradict one another, then they are back referring to High School students. Is it possible one of the 12% wrote this article?

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Posted in: Google says it's developing tools to help journalists create headlines, stories See in context

In an ideal world, technology like Google is discussing can add important information to the world...

Unlikely to be important. Very likely to be confusing or wrong, or not what we are looking for and it will be displayed on our screens in an order that suits them not the user. Google has gone down hill so far. As a search engine, it has long given paid information or disinformation pride of place over that which you are really searching for.

said Kelly McBride, an expert in journalism ethics for the Poynter Institute...

Debatable, based on her insight below...

It could document public meetings where there are no longer human journalists to attend and create narratives about what is going on, she said.

Aaah, finally the end game and the answer to the question of whether there will be journalist jobs even available in the future. Who thinks the handful of super wealthy media owners "in an industry that is already suffering financially" apparently, won't jump on AI and streamline their businesses even more and save themselves having to pay their "journalists", most of which these days are closer to publicists in reality than journalists, and make themselves even more powerful and mega rich? They drank champagne when digital technology saved them publication printing costs two decades ago, now they won't even have to pay to write the "narratives about what is going on", as if we don't already have enough narratives and half-truths and complete lies to deal with already.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese convenience store Lawson unveils new type of egg sandwich See in context

I try my best to avoid getting scammed by convenient store sandwiches with their filling pushed to the center that can be inhaled in a couple of seconds. There must be a massive profit margin on those things. But they are only one of a number of items which are packaged in a way to deceive their "valued customer", that is best to avoid. Any potato chip bag, supersized and full of air (yep, yep, to protect the product, I know); pasta plates and rice bowls with their inverted bottoms (yep, yep, to aid the stacking process, I know) amongst them. Since the scamdemic happened, there have been massive changes in product redesign, reduction of portions, use of cheaper products (though they have their own farms and grow most of their stuff themselves) and price increases across the board. Oh, and the larger font price you see (not including tax) next to the smaller font price you actually pay (including tax). That is a massive nationwide deception all on its own. Oh, and now they charge for their plastic bags (to save the environment of course) whereas before you'd almost end up with a separate bag for every item you bought...there, I'm done.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: South Korean lawmakers berate IAEA chief over Fukushima wastewater release plan See in context

I'm not saying a Korean journalist might be biased on this topic, but he hasn't really included all the relevant information for readers related to the topic including his own country's dumping of radioactive water, or China, Russia and many other countries. Perhaps it's a word count issue which in this digital age is irrelevant as they aren't printing anything, or it is meant to wind us up.

Japan Today is just another copy paste news aggregator trying to get eyeballs on its website to draw in advertisers with no input or responsibility for what they are aggregating or who they are aggravating. If they want to be a "newspaper", couldn't they employ a journalist and do it properly? So no need for everyone to to too worked up over everything and become myopic, losing perspective on the bigger picture.

Let the last word on this be from an article in "Scientific American" journal which ended by saying "The good news about tritium is that: even if you inhale or ingest an awful lot, it is going to flush out of your body." He adds: "Just have a few beers and you're done."

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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