nukkuheddo comments

Posted in: U.S., Korea, Japan set to launch new steps on defense at Camp David See in context

disregarding the rather odd previous statement - and the fact that western culture seems to be more inclusive (China telling Asian folks that Asians are Asian..not white)...

Perhaps we (in the west) are a little more open-minded -

Also - we like our democracy -

If you threaten me - you threaten some nazi Chinese guy inferred - we're not Asian and should stick together...we're ideologically aligned - neighbors - inter-married - we're family - my kiddo is 1/2 Japanese

If someone threatens Japan - someone threatens me...

We don't stand for that in NATO - try it - you won't win...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: China's Ukraine peace talks gambit shows shifts amid hard realities See in context

Odd that China is trying to help a peace initiative on the other side of the planet when it's hassling it's neighbors on every border it has - even invented borders on the sea

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Joe Biden, America's oldest sitting president, needs young voters to win again. Will his age matter? See in context

instead of slinging mud towards those on the opposite side of the aisle - why not discuss things in a reasonable fashion?...It is a non-sequitur to compare what J or H Biden may or may not have done and what DJT has been indicted for. If I commit a crime but you did too...doesn't make your crime fine because I committed a crime too...when did we stop having raging civil discourse? I suppose because we don't use our real names on this forum we can rant like savages - but what's the point? I have observed these conversations for perhaps a couple of years - it's always the same players - always the same rants - if you're going to do nothing than rant - why bother?'s just noise...Dems have traditionally been more on the side of younger folks...Reps have traditionally been about giving the wealthy (generally older) tax breaks...if I am mistaken...have a rant since you seem incapable of discourse...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Hiroshima A-bombing: Its lessons of unnecessary mass destruction could help guide future nuclear arms talks See in context


I wish you had been the emperor of Japan instead of Hirohito - but you were not.

As the allies invaded Germany - Hitler declared "total-war" - every man woman and child were called in to service. With the Ally's experience fighting the Japanese - they knew they be fighting a war where the Japanese - every man, woman, and child would fight to the death - by fighting or by suicide.

While unfortunate - but pragmatic - the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (which killed far fewer people than the fire-bombings of Tokyo) was deemed necessary. If pure evil - what was camp 721?

Japan is a modern vibrant democracy - I'm sure if you had been emperor - you would have realized this without the use of atomic weapons.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan opening of 'Barbie' marred by controversy ahead of nuclear memorials See in context Oprah...Whoopi Goldberg (sorry Oprah)

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan opening of 'Barbie' marred by controversy ahead of nuclear memorials See in context

What a bizarre, irresponsible, insensitive, UNPRODUCTIVE comment to make something as serious as Oppenheimer having zero to do with Barbie - zero to do with each other...except their release dates are "similar"...

Sort of like when Oprah said the Holocaust had nothing to do with racism - "it was white people killing white people..." mind bogglingly stupid

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: U.S. announces Taiwan weapons package worth up to $345 million See in context

The one China policy was stupid to start with. It was foolishly believed that by bringing main-land China into the global family it might "normalize" China...instead we got Frankenstein...with nuclear weapons and a sort of 18th-19th century European Imperialist attitude...

We didn't have a one Germany policy until the Berlin Wall fell...we don't have a one Korea policy...why should we adhere to the illusion of a one China policy?...

Main-land China steps on all their neighboring countries...fabricates ways to Shylock poor countries globally to hand-over their pound of flesh....

Frankenstein indeed.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan says North Korea threat more serious than ever See in context

N. Korea is an impoverished country that focuses whatever revenue it does have on it's nuclear weapons/rocket development...if it focused that revenue on helping it's own people rather than saber-rattling - then it might make sense to lift sanction - but if they're going spend all their revenue on weapons what sane argument is there for lifting sanctions and helping them?...that's like the frog being dumb enough to help to scorpion

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. sends another submarine to S Korea, adding to show of force against North Korea See in context

Imagine how wonderful it would be if Korea had a reunification moment like Germany had?...little fat boy and his 666'd sister go live on some island off the coast...the peoples of N. Korea would have a manifold rise in their standard of living...moneys spent of rockets and nukes re-directed to peaceful development of their society...of course little fat boy and his sister would rather remain in power at the cost to their society/people...the presence of the subs is irrelevant...likely they were in position anyhow - this way it sends a message...the north was been developing rockets with longer and longer range...what the hell else were the US going to do?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Doctor, daughter arrested over headless body found at Sapporo love hotel See in context

Crime is rare in Japan...but Crime in Japan can be awfully weird

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese Embassy granted in-person access to detained national in China See in context

yeah...poor 2 Michaels from Canada who were prisoned in barbaric conditions in China because Canada exercised an arrest warrant of Huawei exec Meng Wanzhou - hence the 2 Michaels were "spies"...while the 2 Michaels lived in squalid conditions Meng lived in her palace in Vancouver...with a GPS ankle bracelet...

The Chinese are simply not to be trusted - they fabricate falsehoods because truth has no meaning to them...justice has no meaning to them - everything is a tool to apply or seek to apply leverage.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Swedish embassy in Baghdad stormed; set alight over Koran burning See in context

Sweden is a peaceful and civilized country (I have lived there - ) you can burn the Bible - most Christians would not be folks lived in Bagdad - my folks have fond memories of the place...harming people should be a crime in any country regardless of culture or religion - harming pages of a book...come's printed's not sacred - you can print as many as you like...if it were sacred - wouldn't it have stopped itself from burning?

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump says he has been notified he is target in 2020 election probe See in context

Jack Smith isn't bambi...Jack Smith is a seasoned prosecutor - indictments he may bring and legally based - not political window dressing - this is serious - or Smith himself would not bring indictments. This is not about politics - this is about the law - something a president swears an oath to uphold and defend.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Kishida to meet fishery group head over Fukushima water release plan See in context

I don't mean to sound like an idiot (but it wouldn't be the 1st time) ...but why release the water at all?'s contaminated sure - and if I understand it - it's used to cool the core of the doomed reactor...take the tainted cooled water and re-cycle it through the reactor to cool likely becomes more tainted...but if you're not going to release it - so what?...OR was there a reason they chose to use the volume of water once and store it?...if the purpose of the water is for cooling - and it's contaminated - use it again and again - or am I simply misunderstanding something?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: China logs 52.2 Celsius as extreme weather rewrites records See in context

My university education was in applied sister is a biologist - I don't keep current on environmental things - but my sister does - and with her critical thinking cross references things. My understanding is that scientists have done loads of research in Antarctica - a massive ice shelf fell off and they have determined that that ice has been shielding the ocean floor under it for thousands of years (scientifically proven - scientific proofs are unforgiving - and you'd be brave and or foolish to disagree)...they have drilled ice cores and analyzed them for CO2 content OVER a THOUSAND YEARS - you can deny anything you want to deny...and it is always a good thing to question information. One should also recognize that there's a huge difference between denying science and understanding it well enough to differentiate between questionable data and probable data

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Smart girls don’t marry? Japan rushes to erase stigma for women in science See in context

I am male. I have spent my life in STEM...and worked with a great many talented female engineers - quite noticeably software engineers...and can easily say the best managers I've ever had were women. My little sister got all the brains in my family. It should also be born in mind that a great many software engineers are quite talented musicians and most clever people to tend to have a good sense of humor...certainly clever people can be quite attractive - or conversely - the opposite is quite true. During my professional time in Japan - ( did work for an international company ), but I was surprised by the attitudes of both Japanese men (who were younger than I - and so I found it surprising) seemed to have rather male-oriented superiority attitudes - and indeed Japanese females - the older they get they tend to take on a "queen bee" attitude and then "direct" other females in rather gender-oriented archaic ways - one foreign woman colleague was usually 1st in to the office...when "queen bee" arrived, she told the foreign woman that she should make the 1st pot of coffee - she replied, " if I drank coffee, I would, but I don't "..."queen bee" replied, - you're a woman - you should make the 1st coffee as you're 1st in"...

I would guess there are quite differing points of view from Japanese women who have lived abroad and have been involved with foreign guys

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 2 men on motorbike die after being hit by train in Tokyo See in context

Very sad. Many years ago I lost a friend in a similar way - he was racing a train - there was not (at that time) a guard-rail but the lights were evidently flashing and bells ringing - they were driving a car...and their judgement was friend and his friend were killed. It is very unfortunate when young people do foolish things that deny them the life they might otherwise have enjoyed. Very Sad.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: NATO leaders send mixed messages in Japan office controversy See in context

What's in a name? a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet?


Democratic Nations Treaty Organization


Global DNTO

NATO was a bad name in the 1st place...OZ and NZ have always been involved...

What part of Turkey borders the Atlantic?

What is wrong with democracies joining defensive alliances which attempt to safe-guard the democractic way of life for the peoples of that country? Ostensibly to prevent despots from invading - you can't win the argument from the other-side - with what's played out in the Ukraine would like likely play out similarly in Taiwan (if that miscalculation were to occur)

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: World Heritage temple in Nara vandalized by visiting foreign teen See in context

As a Canadian I was to express outrage and shame for the behaviour of this punk. Deepest apologies to Japan and the Japanese people. Some of these structures in Nara are older than any man-made structure in Canada. I do not understand getting on an airplane to be tourist in another culture and rather than enjoying that experience - you shamefully bring the worst of your culture with you. Go carve your name in blazing trees in Canada next time - Japan should ban this punk for life

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: What is the difference between nationalism and patriotism? See in context


identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.


the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.

Which seems very in-line with de Gaulle's elegant distinction.

Truman signed into effect the Marshall Plan after WWII which supported the re-building of devastated countries defeated in WWII. It was realized that the rise of Hitler's nationalism was due to the crippling punishments put on Germany - which also gave rise to flighting in the streets between the nazis and the bolsheviks.

It also "seems" that patriotism is not to the "exclusion of detriment of the interests of other nations"

It also "seems" that nationalism is some sort of political movement motivated by an individual - rather than a nation - nazis swore an oath to Hitler - American service people swear an oath the Constitution.

I think it seems to be a relatively reasonable distinction...nationalisms come (unfortunately) and go (fortunately)...patriotism remains.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Divided Supreme Court outlaws affirmative action in college admissions; says race can't be used See in context

what's next?

the Emancipation Proclamation?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Beer factory leak turns Okinawa port red See in context

could be worse...could be water from Fukushima

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Posted in: 'Emotional' Elton John closes out Glastonbury festival See in context

I'm not a fan of Elton, but of course I do like some of his stuff...Mad Man Across the Water is great - I saw him in concert once - he was really great - it was more like a huge party and he was the entertainer - not a shred of "I'm a super-star" at all...I was truly impressed with his performance and character

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Chinese public sees Japan, U.S. as least trustworthy: survey See in context

is the definition of "trustworthy" in China trustworthy?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Searchers detect undersea sounds in hunt for missing submersible See in context

Unfortunate indeed. The main problem with such an adventure is exactly if something goes wrong - as it has done - is that few facilities are around to be able to affect a search and rescue at such depths - it's not like everyone has deep sea recovery mechanisms standing by. You'd think given the extreme risks - they'd have had (at least) triple redundancy mechanisms.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Lab crunch: British science has nowhere to go See in context

It's a big problem - since Brexit - funding for research at the UK's universities has completely taken a nose-dive - did they not see that coming? I know a couple of PhDs in research in the UK - they're looking to immigrate abroad.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Nothing remote about short-term sex work See in context

I think it is un-wise to make moral judgements - if you feel strongly about something you find immoral - don't be a customer. I think sex would very likely should be legal. The war on drugs was so effective wasn't it? If I understand it...people who are very jealous are exactly the kind of people who cheat. People who act holier than thou are likely quite hypocritical. I'm thinking a guy who walks with his bible and mock-solemnity to a church - paid hush money to a porn-star - was sued for sexual abuse - "grab'em by the pussy" on tape - there's non-left morality for you.

There used to be such a place in Kawasaki - I frequented it while going through an ugly divorce. Am I a bad person? have I ever missed a child support payment? - never.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: Carlos Santana: 'My guitar is my best lover, ever' See in context

She's a Black Magic Woman

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: British actor Glenda Jackson, two-time Oscar winner, then left-wing politician, dies at 87 See in context

Glenda: "I see you're looking at the wine list"

Walter: "yes"

Glena: "what wine do you feel like drinking?"

Walter:" I don't know - what's good for this time of day?"

Cute movie

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Everyone's got something to say about Trump – except world leaders who might have to deal with him See in context

It's a bit paradoxical to try to ride the high-horse on international themes such as the rule of law, freedom of speech, etc. when the chief proponent of that is a shyster to declared bankruptcy 7 times to avoid paying bills, plays with his own value to avoid paying taxes, but motivate lower interest rates as it suits him, sex scandals and a federal indictment on criminal charges for obstructing justice...but has his best chronys on the international stage are dictators and a war criminal (and one trying to overthrow the over-sight of judicial law) - perhaps he'll fair well...he's in his own company

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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